Save countless hours searching for the best single-family rental opportunities
Each Monday / Wednesday / Friday, we'll sift through thousands of newly listed properties and curate them to find a lucrative handful.
Only single-family rentals listed in the US ranging from $80k-$500k will be included in this newsletter (for now).

See properties that drive the highest cash on cash return
We use data from Zillow along with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (among other sources) to generate rental estimates, paired with conservative cost assumptions to estimate the cash on cash return of each property.
After running the numbers, we'll send you a list of single-family rental properties with high potential returns.

We'll include everything you need to assess the opportunity
- Monthly expected rental income, based on comps
- Monthly expected expenses
- Monthly expected net cash flow
- Expected cash on cash return
- Full rental income projection estimates for each property, linked via our custom calculator